
22nd - 28th February 2021

(Directed by Val Robinson) As part of the ‘Curtain Up’ programme, the Players were lucky enough to spend some online time with the Education Team from The Old Vic Theatre, London.

We were hosted wonderfully at four workshops [14th December 2020 (An Introduction to Theatre), 22nd January 2021 (An Introduction to Storytelling), 12th February (An Introduction to Puppetry and Object Manipulation) and 19th March (Post-production)] as well as being entertained by a live, online performance of A Christmas Carol (17th December 2020).

As a result of the workshop in January, fourteen of us wrote and performed short monologues (Emily, Gail, Jane, Jill, Liz, Louise, Lucy, Martha, Nick, Pat, Rob, Roger, Toria and Val). For most of us it was the first time we had written drama in this way, let alone performed it. Our efforts have been uploaded to the Players’ YouTube channel for your entertainment.

Our whole-hearted thanks go to Euan Borland and his lovely team at the Old Vic for giving us the bravery and opportunity to explore in this way.
